your progress is our success



  • Development of concepts
  • Feasibility studies
  • Submission planning
  • Detail and implementation designs
  • Hydraulic modeling of water supply networks & irrigation systems
  • Hydrological modeling
  • Hydraulic discharge modeling of rivers and torrents
  • and much more...

Implementation Support

  • Technical specifications and preparation of tender documents
  • Support in tendering and awarding processes
  • Construction site coordination
  • Technical and commercial construction supervision (according to FIDIC or national standards)
  • and much more...


  • Consulting for companies, municipalities, utilities and private individuals
  • Optimization and improvement of operations and management
  • Support with official procedures
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Environmental analyses
  • Waste concepts
  • and much more...

Fields of Operation

Foto Wasserversorgung

Water Supply

Water is the source of life! It is essential for humans, food production and also for a wide range of industrial processes.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning, modernization and optimization of drinking and process water systems.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Water extraction (wells, springs, river and lake catchments)
  • Water treatment (physical and chemical treatment)
  • Water storage (reservoirs, water towers, ...)
  • Water distribution (pumping stations, pipelines, distribution networks, ...)
  • Condition surveys and pipeline cadastre

Foto Abwasser


To protect people and the environment, water used in households, businesses, industry or agriculture must be collected, treated and processed before it can be safely returned to the water cycle.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning, modernization and optimization of wastewater systems.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Wastewater collection (sewer systems)
  • wastewater solutions for private households (dry toilets, ...)
  • municipal wastewater treatment plants & small wastewater treatment plants (constructed wetlands, ...)
  • treatment and pre-treatment of industrial wastewater
  • condition surveys and pipe cadastre

Foto Bewässerung


Prolonged periods of drought and climate change increasingly require the artificial supply of water to crops in order to ensure and promote their growth. Various techniques and systems are used to direct water into the root zone of plants using technical means such as sprinklers or drip irrigation.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning, modernization and optimization of irrigation systems.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Assessment of plant water demand
  • Water extraction and treatment
  • Water distribution
  • Drip irrigation systems
  • Sprinkler systems

Foto Flussbau

Flood Protection and River Engineering

Flood protection includes technical measures to manage and control the flow of water in rivers and other bodies of water to prevent flooding, erosion and other negative effects. The various measures can include dams, dykes, canals and other structures to regulate water levels and protect buildings, communities and infrastructure from the damaging effects of flooding.

In modern river engineering, renaturation is an attempt to restore space to the river by means of near-natural solutions, to create habitats suitable for the location and thus also to increase protection against uncontrolled flooding.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning and modernization of flood protection systems and other river engineering measures.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Linear flood protection measures (dams, protective walls, ...)
  • Water retention measures (retention basins, dikes, ...)
  • Protection of buildings against floods, slope waters and debris flows
  • Bedload management and retention measures
  • River renaturation
  • Hazard zone planning

Foto Abfallwirtschaft

Solid Waste Management

Proper collection, transportation, processing and, if necessary, disposal of solid waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner is necessary to protect people and nature. Various techniques and systems are used to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of waste, e.g. sorting, landfilling, composting and waste incineration technologies.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning, modernization and optimization of waste collection, treatment and disposal systems.

RIVERO's range of services includes

  • Waste concepts for companies and municipalities
  • Waste collection (route optimization for waste collection companies, ...)
  • Waste treatment (material, thermal, ...)
  • Waste disposal (landfilling, ...)

Foto Regenwassermanagement

Stormwater Management

The accumulation of heavy rainfall and the further sealing of surfaces often require technical measures for rainwater management. Modern rainwater management preferably includes measures to keep rainwater at the place where it accumulates (pre-cleaning and infiltration) or measures for targeted collection and drainage to prevent flooding, erosion and water pollution.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning, modernization and optimization of rainwater management systems.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Stormwater collection (buildings, streets, parking lots, ...)
  • Stormwater treatment (soil filters, ...)
  • Stormwater retention (cistern, retention basin, ...)
  • Limiting discharge into storm sewers or receiving water bodies
  • Stormwater infiltration
  • Stormwater management according to the "sponge city" principle

Foto Energie

Energy and Hydropower

A functioning energy supply is essential for a society. Hydropower is a renewable energy source that harnesses the power of flowing water to generate electricity. Dams, turbines and generators are used to convert the kinetic energy of falling or flowing water into electrical energy.

The use of natural thermal energy also enables efficient cooling and heating of buildings, which can drastically reduce the need for electricity or other energy sources such as gas.

RIVERO provides expert support in the planning, modernization and optimization of hydropower and geothermal systems.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Small hydropower plants (incl.drinking water power plants, river turbines, ...)
  • Fish ladders
  • Bedload management
  • Energy consulting for companies and private households
  • Geothermal energy

Foto Umwelt

Environment and Climate

Environment refers to the natural world around us, including all organisms and the interactions between them. Climate refers to the long-term patterns of temperature, precipitation, wind and other atmospheric conditions in a particular region or on the planet as a whole.

RIVERO helps to preserve and protect the environment for ourselves and future generations, and to minimize human impact on the environment and climate.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • Assessing climate change impacts on activities of businesses, municipalities and utilities activities
  • Assessment and development of climate resilience strategies
  • Reduction of small-scale climate change impacts (sponge city, ...)
  • Environmental and Social Due Diligence
  • Environmental and social impact assessment (incl. ESAP, SEP, RFP, etc.)
  • Environmental management in-line with ISO 14001

Foto Flussgebietsmanagement

River Basin Management

River basin management refers to the coordinated management of all land, water and other natural resources within a river basin in order to optimize their use and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

RIVERO helps to balance competing demands such as agriculture, industry and urbanization while maintaining the integrity of the river ecosystem and ensuring the sustainability of resources for future generations.

RIVERO's range of services includes:

  • River basin management
  • Watercourse management
  • Protection of surface waters
  • Development and management of surface waters

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